Student Advising Offices

The Student Advising Offices are organizational units within the departments that are responsible for study-related administration in the different subjects. They are thus the first point of contact for students with organizational questions about scheduling (course management) or registering for exams in the Bachelor's/Master's degree programs (exam management).

Chemistry / Biomedical Chemistry

Maja Gedig
Duesbergweg 10-14
Building 2121
Room 00-110
Tel +49 6131 39-26141

Office hours by appointment


Monika Zangenfeind
Duesbergweg 10-14
Building 2121
Room 00-118
Tel +49 06131 39-20206

Office hours: Tue, Thu 10-12 am and 1-2 pm, and by appointment


Ann-Christin Baab
Duesbergweg 10-14
Building 2121
Room 00-118
Tel +49 6131 39-20207

Office hours: Tue, Thu 10-12 am and 1-2 pm, and by appointment

Ann-Christin Baab
Duesbergweg 10-14
Building 2121
Room 00-118
Tel +49 6131 39-20207

Office hours: Tue, Thu 10-12 am and 1-2 pm, and by appointment

Annika Ruthard
Duesbergweg 10-14
Building 2121
Room 00-120
Tel +49 6131 39-23709
Office hours by appointment


Molecular Biotechnology (B. Sc.) / Soft Matter and Materials (M.Sc.)

Dr. Saskia Pante
Duesbergweg 10-14
Building 2121
Room 00-120
Phone +49 6131 39-28935

Office hours: Tue 10-12 am and 1-2 pm, and by appointment

Ann-Christin Baab
Duesbergweg 10-14
Building 2121
Room 00-118
Tel +49 6131 39-20207

Office hours: Tue, Thu 10-12 am and 1-2 pm, and by appointment

Dr. Saskia Pante
Duesbergweg 10-14
Building 2121
Room 00-120
Phone +49 6131 39-28935

Office hours: Tue 10-12 am and 1-2 pm, and by appointment